Do you normally wake before or after sunrise?
What is the worst thing you have ever returned home to find?
What is the worst thing you have returned to your car to find?
what are your bad talking habits?
What life admin are you doing right now?
What is the worst shift you have ever done?
Have you ever had to be rescued?(serious answers only)
You end up in prison for the worst thing you did in school , what is your reason for being in prison?
Based on your username, what would be the username of your worst enemy?
What's something that has happened in your life this year that you couldn't have predicted going into 2024?
How are you feeling right now?
When did you first realise you needed glasses?
What is your scariest experience involving the weather?
What is your scariest experience involving a car?
What has been your scariest experience involving an animal?
Whats the worst thing someone has ever said to your face?
What was the first bit of work experience you ever had?
What Christmas gift did you always want as a kid?
Would your teachers from your time as a school student be surprised you are now a teacher?
Can you remember the very first street where you were brought up?
How has how you celebrate Christmas changes over the years?
How has how you celebrate your birthday changed over the years?
What life transitions did you go through in childhood?
What career would you wanted to do if you weren't a parent?