If i see a random sweaty anime girl with a fking machine gun…
Students, why do you like sitting in a dark classroom?
How do you counter rats and what map has the least
Since when can you get first card ex?
Hmmm im interested in its morals
Don’t underestimate quick kits
Incredible trade
Anyone know when trading will be added?
This is the best pack i have ever gotten
Is this card rare?
Explain wtf
Update: this is my longest career in football
Pretty nice crypto 3b to 1t in 4 years
Important Recoil control
I dont get it why isnt he dead
End is sus right?
Anyone else starting to hate the Mine map?
1k kids- But trying to switch to 1 of my kid’s lives crashes the game
How did bro aim the molly so well
Omfg s6 might be op
This is bad right how much bonds did i buy for instant max level
I still get teamkilled in singleplayer😁
I quit.
Is it me or are teapots not that rare like ive found a few