Why are sidemen fans islamophobic?
Sten might ruffle some feathers
Based Bioware?
Do I need to import gear in awakening for followers (nightmare)?
Some specialisations already unlocked even though I never played on this computer before.
Sidemen Whey Protein arrived today
A question for the true Nords: Khajiit or Argonian?
Alistair -Inquisition Edition- another cool mod for Origins
not my flag, not my country, not my problem.
When the sky doesn't rim.... wait...
Just love
How many times did I do this growing up 😭
Some people truly are retarded
DAO: Something i never tried and want a answer before i do
"DS3 combat feels so much more fair and engaging than Elden Ring" *Looks inside* *one straight minute of using the same exact attack repeatedly* The glazing is real folks lol
As an invader on ER, I can finally see why you guys dislike ER pvp so much, this game feels so much more fair and engaging
Endorsing Logan Paul is a Bad Thing
What's your Warden/Hawke up too when Rook is fighting the gods?
Yung Filly
Yung Diddy
An en caul birth, also known as a "veiled birth," is a rare event where a baby is born still inside an intact amniotic sac. It occurs in less than 1 in 80,000 live births.
This was removed from a dank meme page for being controversial🤣
I just found out my Elf has Dwarf tattoos I guess.
Comments like these are why I can't take the Ac sub seriously.