What is it with all the randoms posting how great dotnet Maui apps look. Yet little evidence to back it up on linked in
Relatively inexpensive .NET hosting.
IdentityServer4 wiped from Github by Duende team
Nausea lingering...
Trying to run an old project, encountering an error
Is anyone else using Reddit more than Stack Overflow for posting questions?
Running Android Emulator in separate window
Don't have access to Apple machine.
Repatha side effects
Are MAUI Job listings are drying up
Secondary Symptoms and slow onset Diverticulitis
Flare up signs?
Sudden onset. Felt almost recovered after 2 mo post flare.
Only person missing in his cabinet is MTG
Four times when Elon Musk tried to jump to make a 'X' with his body
EFCore VS SQLite (sqlite-net-pcl)
The last few months
Standard or Library MVVM
How "bad" is .NET MAUI really compared to Flutter
Got my first c# software engineering job, any advice?
Houston achieves record low COVID-19 hospitalizations since records began. Cheers!
I think we've plateau'd in vaccinations for 12 and up since accessibility to vaccines have been pretty easy for a while now. Now you know what % your coworkers and neighbors think about the vaccine.