Baby Ivan doll from Nowhere
Top Katniss moment for me
have a farm with my irl girlfriend and we got married and she wont stop kissing me every time im nearby
Is there any manga you regret getting?
So you telling me he ain't the best dad huh? Dawg who wanna die!
What are good websites for alien stage merch?
I have a theory
ADHD ruins another longfic
So.. Uhm...
Looking for fics that use the affection reader
The reader
Mental health really affects your writing
How do you reply to someone you've been ghosting for 6 months?
I used Ivan as emotional support in the doctor
Is Alien Stage hard to get into at first glance? Or watch?
What is your new year's resolution?
I'm so cooked.
What's a manga that you have that you see no one else have?
My barely obsessive compilation of (almost) every time Ivan looked at Till. Part 1
I just wanna go back to Mondstadt or something man
Dipper spotted with Luigi
Does anyone know what this au is called?
Anyone who is more savvy buying merch- please how do I get these