Monthly challenge does not have any filters...
This week's Terror is definitely harder than usual, with Anivia being the mini boss.
UI Filters are great!
Why the filter is not applied in monthlies ?
Dev's design insights on why they like the 'create spell and discount each round' 2* powers template (recently on Kayle, Warwick and Ambessa). And they are aware to not overuse this template
This pic of Tom lol
I’ve complained about this before, dev’s PLEASE rework/remove this card from path.
Is this gemstone upgrade applied EVERYWHERE, or just for Warwick
3 star samira is strong enough to easily beat asol
Counterfeit Production counters Fiddlesticks so well
Thoughts about Kayle
Kayle Deck, Powers and Relic Reveal
What runeterrain constellation do you want most?
Best voli relics?
Rate my f2p 4* VIktor build
First patch teaser
UFC 312 so far….yikes
Jiri is Rictus
Ranking endgame adventures
Arcane adventure ALL DONE
Suffering from Success
"We heard you like Deadly? How about we double those Stats on top and you can't FTK/OTK until turn 5 on top?" - Weekly Adventure Generator (probably)
4 champs 1 crystal : which champ has the more op 6th Star?
What is the best relic for Teemo?