Snow day with the Mod 1 ringing steel at 450
Mod 1 dropped one in his tracks this morning
Excited to see what MK626 does to a deer
Mod H (ish) abomination
I think I’ve finally finished the mod1. I still need to paint my new parts tho haha
Arms #22 medium
[WTB] a1 stock
WTB a1 stock
Moons out mod1s out
Moons out mod1s(ish) out
[WTB] Leupold mk3hd 4-12x40
[WTB] Leupold MK3HD 4-12x40
[WTS] Leupold Mk3HD 4-12x40 TMR Reticle
As I wait for my ocm5, I’m plotting my paint job
Mk12(ish) Monday
Finally complete
When the main clone page tells you that your build is trash…
When they call your build trash because it’s not 100% clone correct
Part number or manufacturer help
(WTS) Ferro concepts slickster plate carrier (black, medium)
[WTB] ferro concepts slickster
1,000 Members!!!
Mk12ish (Memorial Day) Monday
Mk12 mod 1 (ish)