is this worth investing in?
New Player to Level 50 in 7 Months
This took longer than I thought it would…
Kyurem shiny and Background are active at LA Unova tour
No fusion energy from remote Kyurem raid
Write to The Pokémon Company if you're concerned about the upcoming sale of the game
I don't like HR. A small rant.
"What Should I Do With This Shadow?"
serious predictions about scopley?
How do you decide who to delete from your friend list?
how can I battle in raids if I don’t have high level pokemon?
Not adding friends
Breakfast burrito
Add for daily gifts! 758887801188
Which platinum medals are NOT worth bothering with?
So i havent played pokemon gonsince 2016 and I logged into this..
The Path to 35 Platinum Medals
Finally done with the levels
Level 49 Requirement Grind
Beloved Buddies - Event Overview (LeekDuck)
Today I hit Level 45
I am free from this hell
I think I’m a bit over my head guys. I didn’t know they were THAT BIG.
Game finally shows who reached the limit of remote raids before sending raid invitation!