Aio? I asked boyfriend of almost 5 years about marriage and this is his response….
Update on last nights post over not getting a wedding invite or save the date from husband’s college friend for his daughter’s wedding.
Wildest conspiracies thread.
Are you getting an epidural or opting for a natural birth without pain meds?
Hot Take: There was someone on that plane that the govt wanted iced
When is your due date?
Anyone track calories while pregnant?
Left breast pain just wont stop omfg!!
No more 1099 nursing gigs in CA?
No one told me pregnancy sex was so good?
How many of you are taking aspirin?
To gender reveal or not to gender reveal
Anyone having issues with diet/calorie intake?
When did you start feeling movements?
Omg we are having a girl
How long did it take you to get pregnant?
How much weight have you gained so far?
Anyone else utterly exhausted?
Ultrasound went horribly wrong
does this seem racist?
When are you due? Which pregnancy is this for you? What are you having?
/rUnpopularOpinion: nurses are not underpaid
waiter put my tip back on the table saying he only accepts 18-20%??
Miracle pregnancy but boyfriend wants abortion
Are we drinking diet soda?