Do I quit my career as chef
Most annoying champion?
Getting stoned with friends tonight need funny ass movies
Cool sword + what’s the highest one-handed weapon
Describe this character in one word
New steed just dropped
This dam camel bruh
40 hours~ in and just learned I could ask this dude for where to find the memory recall spots
Just a questions from a newbie to The Legend of Zelda series.
Link is the funniest character ever
Ruins on the "roof" of the Forgotten Temple: What could it be?
Buddy you Alright?
What is your country's Cleveland?
Strip is free of chicken
what’s wrong with this picture?
My sisters spider man tattoo…
What's this boxy style of blazer called?
A picture my 3 year old daughter drew.
How is the fit? Trying to improve my sense of fashion. Advice is very welcome.
If you shit your pants during the start of service, what do you tell your chefs?
Love You Forever
idk just found it in our dorm
[x-post] There is an Indian line cook who is confused and pissed off right now. OP's comment: "Ordered Indian takeout and found a dime bag in the curry" LOL
Are these too tight for buisness casual?
I’ve got nothing???