The think the segment was rushed but still fine tho,We still have 3-4 weeks remaining to build this feud.Good brawl between three
We don't deserve the farewell tour.
"Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks" chant 15 years apart (2010 vs. 2025)
Underdog✅ Excellent In-ring worker ✅ Good on mic ✅ Got crowd support as Babyface ✅.What do you think of Chad gable at this point?
What do you think of Chad Gable at this point?
No disrespect to Jey and his fans but this could be 10x better than Jey Uso vs gunther at "WrestleMania".What do you think?
Rank these mid carders on who you’d personally want to have a World Title run
It should have been CM Punk....
Name a “terrible” wrestler who had one thing you actually quite liked about them ⚡️⚡️
The John Cena kid's reaction before and after Cena called him out
Before Jey Uso won the Royal Rumble, this was in my head. Imo makes more sense storyline wise.
Who y’all think the mystery partner is?
Those said Cena promo last Raw doesn't make any sense
Who cut a heel promo on RAW on the road to WrestleMania better, Hulk Hogan (2002) or John Cena (2025)?
It doesn't matter what they cry about, we are the most successful team in the ipl.
The Hate for MSD is Unreal
Don't know what IWC expected from first promo of John cena's heel turn? For me only negative thing was not addressing the why he souled his soul to Rock
In 2013, John Cena announced that he was leaving to have surgery and the crowd cheered. He's been holding in his frustrations for all of these years until now!
I can't be the only one who thought this promo was underwhelming. Just feels like it also came too little too late, not a fan of the "YOU PEOPLE" promos at all
“I am breaking up with every single one of you, whether you like me or not, I don’t care about you and you don’t matter to me.” — John Cena
Cena’s promo was trash. WWE messed this up. Here’s why.
John Cena is not a believeable heel
Cena’s promo last night was literally exactly what i wanted from it😭💯🔥