What do you guys prefer
Anyone just want a modest life after school and residency?
Any Obsidian iPad users?
What do you call your Obsidian vault?
Optimizing Image Management in Obsidian
Does anyone explain what “2/2 trauma” means? Thank you
The children are frozen.
Office Chair Stop Motion
Chennai Annual Book fair - Bought these 8 books for just Rs 1150 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Created a Notion template to support people doing therapy (or wanting to)
Is there anything i can do to improve my TikZ periodic table?
Me during my repeat year telling students how to study/what not to do but they wouldn't listen to me
Started 2025 with this and it's good read
Western ghats providing a stunning backdrop!! Konkan.
Want to make my own plugin but have no coding experience. Where to begin?
New obsidian font...
I paid $50,150.95 for Claude Enterprise. Ask me anything.
Anyone using PARA?
New folder structure for my Obsidian Vault
Windows Obsidian+ Ipad Obsidian
TIL you can do this with middle click + drag
Any way to remove wiki-links completely when exporting through Pandoc?
Obsidian for PKM - Plugins help
Workflow for if notes/concepts have same name?