MAGAts did this
Yet the Orange-Ah-Tang denied it!! Lied and the MAGAts loved the notion of hate and worshipped the Trump💩urd even more!
MAGAts allowed their hatred rule their small capacity to reason! They chose Dictatorship over Democracy
Orange-Ah-Tang is now full blown орангутанг
Oh, lookie here; will you? DFW’s diamond community of MAGAt privilege showing out their best; just like their Orange-Ah-Tang Dictator likes em!
The Orange-Ah-Tang has been a long term plan, as a Russian muppet of destruction!
US : Trump cancel concert of students of color with the Marine Band. MAGAts of color who voted the Orange-Ah-Tang don’t think it won’t happen to you!
US : Trump cancel concert of students of color with the Marine Band.
Tesla Protest is getting bigger!
Violent Rapist Conor McGregor holding a press conference in the White House
Side show horror masked as humor
MAGAts didn’t yell voter fraud because they won. Things that make you go hmm
Dictator Going to Dictator and MAGAts are sole to blame!
Dictator Going to Dictator
MAGAt 💩’s doing what they screamed others were doing wrong!
Texas House Representative files bill to abolish Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Fellow Canadians: Who else finds Americans that proclaim DJT embarrassing offensive?
Maybe the workers will feel the pain of job insecurity!
Orange-Ah-Tang did this with help of his MAGAts
Read it and Share!
U.S. Rep. Keith Self (R-McKinney) cuts short committee hearing after colleague objects to him misgendering trans member
Hateful Fascist MAGAts are to blame this time around!
The Foreigner and the Orange-a-tang
Orange-ah-tang has begun with his threats! Panama will be part of phase 1, in US Global domination of the Americas
He MAGAt who voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.
He voted for Trump. Now his wife sits in an ICE detention center.