My OC Sky in her “Holo Spooky Snake Crab” form.
Why are one of my records in Side Order glitchy?
Choose a colorspect, and I’ll draw your OC with said colorspect (rules in description)
I just realized that the Divine Beasts are named after the sages in ocarina of time
give me a (brief) description of your OC and I'll asign them a quote from a book I've read [read body text]
This is genuinely so sad R.I.P, i hope DH’s family the best
comment your OC's and i'll make a headcanon about them :)
Characters who spend a majority of their screen time actually being a different character in disguise
what do you think is the worst splatfests theme
I'm stuck again
Not getting any amiibo gear? Not even boots initially.
Ah yes, my favourite Deep Cut song. /s
Machines That Obtained The Powers Of A God
This is telex, he wants to meet ur ocs!
The amount of this stuff under the lilo and stitch teaser
I'll draw your OCs but it's r/OC + Undertale (more in description)
Favorite character from a game you can guarantee no one has played/heard of
drew V for a request :)
Characters who aren’t confirmed in a gay/les relationship but like, look at them
I will draw your OC but as a pony 🐎
Some have fears. What’s your OCs fear, be it unusual or not?
Sympathetic villains/antagonist who get what they want
Can you guys give me drawing ideas? 🙏 + uzi doodle