Just unlocked the new color theme
Jimmy Carter was born the same day as Jimmy Carter
New feature I found last night
What kind of fish do you want?
Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking
Do you think it’s way too hot to wear timberland boots here?
ELI5 Why is kissing a part of human life?
Malaysians, who would you want to see win the 2024 US election and why?
Caddo Lake - plothole or did I miss something?
Anyone know what spider is this? Dangerous or not?
LOTR trilogy is the best trilogy of all time. Agree or disagree
Perfect songs in perfect scenes?
GX Bank maintenance announcement
Convincing British Accents by American Actors
An actor from an older movie reminding you of a more recent actor?
On whatsapp we can use two accounts where is location of local backup of second account in Android phone.
Samrt charging limits battery to 80%. I'm trying to find out how long tha battery is holding up but it shows screen time 1 day 23 hrs.
John Wick. The accountant. Nobody.
in the 2028 presidential election,it is possible that we could have a president who was born when Bill Clinton became president.
Nothing OS aesthetics work better with 4-app grid
Rate my setup and wall !
New phone under rm1.5k
Issues and Feature Requests for the Nothing Phone 2 and Nothing OS
To the Malaysian Girl at Prague Airport
Natural state