Kitty is 1/4 korean?
i mean.....!!!!!
Do I need a 7th Thai Con from Lowes? No, no I don’t but here she is.
5 euros each so I got all 4
New mom! Help needed!
Advice on corm repot
Help pls! New monstera mom
Multiple things going on 🧐
New Monstera Owner! Brown spots?
paraiso verde
I've got her in a mystery rescue box
When to give it something to climb?
Billietae question…
Identifying an Alocasia
The various leaf colors of my monstera plants
can I do something about this?
She's back!
Which celebrities (male or female) praised by the media for being hot you don’t find attractive at all?
Is my monstera getting enough water
What kind of monstera did I buy?
do i plant a cutting if it have leafs but not roots?
Another new baby…Alocasia Psuedosanderiana Aurea 🥰
Newest leaf appreciation and tips for rectangular pots
I’ve never used a moss pole before. Should I try to separate the two plants or leave them together? Help!