What is the Stoic solution to guilt?
Best film adaptation of a book? I'll start
How normal is it to never have been shown romantic attraction?
Osireon in Abydos - Possible to tour?
Medinet Habu
Til de av dere som bryr dere om sosial ulikhet i Norge, glem ikke at vi fremdeles har adel.
Slave Shackle Being Removed by a British Sailor, 1907.
(Spoilers Extended) GRRM needs to just come clean about Winds
john lithgow on playing dumbledore and returning to dexter
The new live-action Harry Potter series has cast actor Paapa Essiedu for the role of Severus Snape. Before the memes or fan theories become popular, allow me to chime in and make it known that this change makes James Potter and his friends racists in addition to being bullies and assholes.
We'll have a better experience in the upcoming years if we ignore this and just move on.
"No. No, not *that*!" - Misadventures in Worldbuilding, or What Not to Do.
Christopher Nolan and Tom Holland on the set of ‘THE ODYSSEY’
Does Riker just have free reign to mac and shag anyone that comes onboard the Enterprise? Are there any rules of engagement?
Photos of hoplites from Christopher Nolan's Odyssey film set
His name is Ozymandias, King of Kings.Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!. Ramsis II
What’s a movie that’s so loved on Reddit that it’s considered “blasphemy” to speak negatively of it?
Er det innafor å ikke ville føde norske barn inn i fattigdom?
The seated Egyptian scribe statue, a famous statue from the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom (c. 2500 BC), is featured on the Egyptian 200-pound note.
Are there any cave paintings depicting the Ice Age civilization?
Tolkien Wrote A Letter To The Nazis
100 people on the tracks
What are some movies where the title doesn’t really fit?
In 2012 (2009) all the world's billionaires and oligarchs gather on ships to survive the apocalypse. It is later revealed that most of Africa did not flood, so the ships set sail for South Africa. It is unclear why a planned sequel about these global elites colonising Africa didn't get made.
Does anyone remember playing multiplayer Minecraft in-browser?