What are the odds ⁉️
Offering BG scuba pikachu giveaway; looking for see below
Looking for top, offering whatever you want (no armored Mewtwo or Galarian birds). Can fly.
San Diego politicians want to block Trump deportations. The sheriff refuses, sparking immigration battle
Can Singhs wear Durags or Patkay? What do you guys wear for Sports, Casual, and Formal events?
I'm 26 and just got my first High paying job. I've always lived in poverty and I'm lost?
Tapu Koko 2 locals 565293383374 and 581127953869
My setup for almost 2 years now
Lugai 5 more 581127953869
The Attack which led to big protest in Brampton
Lugai 565293383374
3 more for lugia 565293383374
Two more for mega manectric 565292283374
Mega manectric raid 2 more. 565293383374
Mega manectric need 3 more 565293389974
Mega manectric need 3 more 581127953869
Darkrai need 4 more 565293383374
Darkrai need 4 more. 581127953869
Darkrai need 2 more 565293383374
Darkrai need 4 more have 2. 581127953869
Hosting mega banette have 2 locals. 565293383374
581127953869 got 2 locals mega banette
581127953869 mega baenette 2 more
I made a discord so we can make raid plans.
A fewwww more friends?