What do I do after inadvertently reading my SO's journal?
My boyfriend told me I’m ugly
How does “The Miracle” works?
What is the one “girly” song you actually really like?
i accidentally sent this to my dad and not my boyfriend
Any other men a known donor to their lesbian sibling by using her spouse’s eggs? The kid is considered my nephew and I’m worried about how this will affect him mentally later on. When, he founds out that I’m his bio dad.
Yachiru's Zanpakuto is like a toy since it has a wheel and string for her to drag around 😭 (Source: @wkfnamlap)
Is Mayuri's zanpaktou technically female?
Could a Shinigami develop 3 zanpakutos
How is hookup culture hurting dating?
I don’t understand why women are like this
How often do you hang out with friends?
What is your advice regarding hookup phases and fwb phases as a man?
It's 2025 wages need to increase
Kendra and Hammond as hallucinations?
If the black/red marker suddenly activated in our current year, could we deal with necromorphs on earth?
Men, what real-world examples have you seen of a nice guy finishing last?
If you could reset at 16 with all your knowledge now, what would you do differently and the same?
Okay seriously, when are these poor mfs going to get Resurrection?
For some reason, I compare Bioshock and Dead Space alike. What do you guys think?
Can anyone help me find the original source of these wallpapers for Dead Space (2008)? (there may be even more)
What’s something every guy should know before getting into a relationship?
Kinda ranty but oh well.
What age did you get a gf?
When a cute guy allows himself be vulnerable enough to cry in front of you and lets you comfort him