Crisi ucraina spiegata ad un bambino senza pronunciare la parola guerra o ucraina
How often do you scratch/rearrange your balls?
The way he touched Trumps thigh to assert dominance 🥵 The kind of leader the EU needs
How do you make aggressive sounding music?
This is outrageous! We are the only people that are allowed to humiliate the Fr*nch..
Is there anything wrong with my Bandcamp page, or my music?
Another good ol' propaganda poster
“Current events”
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how this comic manages to perfectly encapsulate the state of modern politics
How long will it take Italy to switch sides this time?
The casual transphobia online is really starting to get on my nerves
Germany, your turn.
Karen versione Romana
The American education system strikes again.
Il sonno della religione genera mostri; la società atea post-sessantottina non funziona
Secondo voi Desmond Miles é stato sprecato come personaggio?
Musk annuncia mail ai dipendenti pubblici, spieghino cosa fanno e una mancata risposta equivale a dimissioni. L'annuncio arriva dopo che il presidente Trump lo ha invitato a essere più aggressivo
CMV: there's no real space for conversation on Reddit when people who post disagreements about left ideology get their comments constantly deleted.
What if Russians trolls stopped doomposting about Trump and tried fixing their own country, instead of ruining other people's countries?
Trump ammette che la Russia ha attaccato l'Ucraina [Traduzione Google]
🇪🇺 I wish you all very pleasant dreams tonight 🌖
Twitter account "Adolf Hitler" verified as official government account.
Due to increases in MAGA spreading misinformation and hate: All maga users will be banned.
Reddit alternatives? - it's too far gone. Are there any normal websites?