I hate lesbian circles 😭😭
What are some signs a relationship is completely over?
When do you decide sexy time is over?
What would be the biggest red flag on a woman in your opinion?
Are there lesbians who do not believe in astrology?
Is it bad for me to turn dating apps back on while away from my situationship?
Isn’t dating a 17 year old illegal if you’re 21?
How do I tell the person I’ve been seeing that they smell bad
what’s your favorite & least favorite food you ate today?
uni of st andrews (i need help)
Pillow princesses why do you not like giving (if you comfortable telling)
What’s your personal favorite part of queerness/lesbianism?
I’m so over always being the one to chase
problematics age gap/normalizing predatory behavior
Someone spat on my girlfriend
Wondering how many lesbians here are happy and comfortable around men and how many avoid them?
So sick of the ‘awkward lesbian’ stereotype.
Do you delete pictures of your ex when it's over?
my ex contacted me after years telling me I’m not lesbian
Can anyone share a story of a breakup that left them with a good impression of their ex?
How did you meet your girlfriend? How old were you?
How often do you go out without a bra?
How did you realise that you were a lesbian?
Would you delete sexual photos of your ex if they asked?
When did you start dating after a breakup?