What seemingly insignificant choice changed your life the most?
Limiting trading of 2-star cards and up is necessary to keep the game F2P-friendly
Can't reinstall P.T. on my PS4 :'(
[MOVIE] With the news of the official Zelda movie…
Which Zelda game do you like more Ocarina of time or Majoras Mask?
Do you believe in spirits and entities ghosts/demons? Why or why not?
At the local craft store
Total Drama has been eliminated and walked the dock of shame! Vote for who's next in the poll https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf3dlKUiU7adzAmScL9PXXntWCyjOo4dDXBSQoW60vUYmq64w/viewform?usp=sf_link
What's your favourite OoT Dungeon?
How to sort posts by top/best etc in Reddit app
ReDead and Gossip Stone Pumpkins!
Male Dog Keeps Starting Fights with Other Male Dog (Need Advice)
Dell Docking Station Detects Monitors, but Doesn't Display
Need suggestions for N for my MM+OoT Alphabet
Theories on why the time lapse is specifically 7 years?
made an app for my friend with adhd, was hoping it'd be helpful for ya'll
[Giveaway] Made a Infinity Gauntlet LED neon light and I wanna give it to you, I will pick one random comment in 24 hours that will receive it and Im covering all the shipping costs. Avengers, assemble! Good luck!
TRD Pro saved my life.. was driving 40mph when a dead tree fell on top of my car. Needed the jaws of life to extricate me from the car. RIP to my baby, i’ll never own a 4Runner quite like this one again
Adobe is shady company, canceling a free trial for an annual contract has early termination fee of $30. Of course, I did not read the fine print believing that free trails are really free. DO NOT SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY FREE SUBSCRITIONS FROM ADOBE
What’s your voids name and what are all their nicknames?
I adore the books but this scene simply elevates the book to another level. It’s flawless
Describe this man in 3 words or less
Quiet, me, Pixelart, 2023