Am I cooked?
Official CNA
recovering addict in phlebotomy & was so proud when someone got blood from me, i asked to keep the tube lol
Top 5 names in Suits?
So Lost
I was on the computer and then I looked down at my hand
advice about how to not be so anxious for my cna class
family as a nurse
Phlebotomy school
Should I quit my CNA job if I am going to be in RN school?
Angry nurses?
How hard are these?
I got a job!
That speck of blue is a CNA walking the rest of the way to her job last night after the person driving her could not get any closer due to storm conditions.
I’m crying yall
Calling out sick??
Driving in Korea
Why do nurses do this?
Overseas Step-children Green Card Process
I live in Colorado. Where is the quickest and best priced school for CNA schooling?
I hate my job
I need a job right away…should I become a CNA?
update: 51 y.o. Korean American going to Korea for the first time since we emigrated when I was 2 y.o.