How to be a pretty black lady?
People who didn’t go to college, what did you do instead?
I am a 6’7 Male. Ask me anything
Does anyone else think box braids are damaging?
When did you realize a group of other women were NOT your real friends?
Where do guys hang out at?
Can y'all think of a black girl that white people love?
Aitah for wanting to leave my so after his big motorcycle accident
Name something that you are addicted to that isn’t sex related or a substance that you are addicted to?
Ladies, where do you lay your hair straightener?
What’s your favorite bbw scent?
What do men think about bigger foreheads?
What is your favorite fragrance?
What is your reaction if family and friends found your reddit account?
What was your biggest secret to losing weight?
What’s a good bra for my desired look?
What is a good push up bra?