Ran out of stencils
S&B subs
What are these things in my sweet chili sauce?
My worst nightmare finally became a reality
Here you go you filthy animals
Beretta Blue Baby
South East Florida hiding in the corner of a door.
PTR K3P with G3/91/G3k fitted parts
Can I just have the hot dogs please?
Mini G3 wanna be…
What do they do for a living?
There's a pimple in the middle of my left hand
Mysterious 'HELP' Messages Found in LA on Google Maps.
Left at my apartment dumpster today
I love this thing
When you see it.
ID fan bearing
Daily Reminder
PTR 32 weight
I think I broke my decapping rod/pin
My Brain MRI photos
Take notes people
This kept getting weirder
My first quiet crayons