What % of Greenlanders think becoming American is a good idea?
Who would win this hypothetical war?
How long would it take to get to gold 3?
Departing at 5:00 am from airport
If Trump wants to annex Canada, why doesn't he annex the unpopulated areas (marked in white) to not anger the Canadians?
Como de raro / incómodo es ir solo a un concierto?
What if England actually doesn't exist?
Guess what country I’m from
Do you get offended when you hear people talk bad about your country?
Si España estuviera en un videojuego, ¿Qué consejos pondrían en las pantallas de carga?
Tell me which state you live in
Chungo del barrio me persigue y tiene amenazado
Why did we get 25 presents?? Our club only unlocked like 5. (Not that I'm not greatful for the 25 presents, but this seems way to much)
Good news y'all!! Buzz Lightyear is finally being nerfed!!!
I should get banned for this :(
Best NVIDIA driver version?
Large Brush sizes
¿Cual fue la peor ciudad que visitaste?
Any ideas for this flatty-blank canvas?
Es gracioso porque dos de las cuatro siglas no son precisamente verdad.
What is this???
Let's pretend it's 2030 under this post.
How do You posibly win this?
What a good companion I am