Am I overreacting?
Advice around std/sti testing
Couch crashing north Hollywood tips?
I’m one of the road people
Is it okay to be a place-holder for a monogamous guy?
Went to a cocktail bar with my wife and her friends last night
From the person who was shivering herself to sleep the other night, yeah I’m sick af now.
can’t believe it’s been 3 years living in my ‘91 dodge roadtrek
Is Nashville cool?
Monday Morning Joy! Good morning /r/queerpolyam! How has your past week(end) been for you and yours?
What is the point of being a Bulwark if you're not gonna bulwark?
Daily Discussion Thread for October 14, 2024
80k miles, 2005 Ford E-250 Camper Conversion $17.5K
How do you keep your solar panels from being stolen?
Nutrient dense foods for the road
The City of Wheels
Grieving the relationship and afraid it will bleed into other relationships (tw: substances)
Borrowed 300k in 11% personal loans and YOLO'd into VTLE (Vital Energy) with margin and now I am down 100k
Ukraine is fielding machine-gun turrets remotely controlled by the Steam Deck
I think the devs not differentiating between 100m, 150m and 200m (etc.) is a big part of why bullet drop feels so icky the way it’s implemented(sc from official survey)
Are we tired of beautiful venues yet?
The Krag is its current state is insufferably overtuned, ubiquitous and boring.
6 Star is the least fun "rank" there is, and it's not because everyone is "cracked"
Series S is overheating
Having a trait reducing footsteps on a new map where nobody is aware of the possible peeks and paths was a bad idea