If you had to make a tribe out of your head/ mind what element or concept would your tribe revolve around and what name would it have?
Is this cool
The mid line Is complete,now whats a fun but bad weapon?
You can make retroactively make any fictional ship canon.
Ello! Here are next tiles of MudWing collab! :D
Pyrrhia/Pantala planetary system (WIP)
Favorite Animal glider?
Your most loved/damaged books?
Hello, another part of MudWing collab!
The Mythic Goldfish spawnrate was buffed
Whats a not fun weapon to use but still good?
Do you guys prefer the Tac or the Infiltrator shotgun?
Highlight in red the ones you hate most
Pyrrhia/Pantala planet drawn
Give me your rareships to draw! >:3 [OC]
You can pee any flammable liquid
Furniture jumps at the same time as you
You have a snap that can knock people out…
Get one dollar for every 10,000 steps you take.
You can choose the gas velocity of your farts
Once per day you can set a restore point!
You can summon a meteor to a random planet.
You can lay a single egg everyday.
You can clone any object infront of you as long as you have enough money to buy that object.