I keep falling for it!
Absolute war Hero
Is worth resuply infantry?
*Me never using planes since they usually never work for me*, *me deciding to use a 240pt cluster bomber on an already damaged 160pt tank for fun since I'm winning anyway*, *...*
Does my headphones EQ have to be flat?
I'm sorry but... what?
Nemesis 4.3 is against all lore
Could we add “Navalny” as officer name for Tamaskaya division?
Eugen where are the Dutch HAWKS???
Buy the base game, get the DLC later?
Doesn't the game give Blighted skins for free during Halloween like it used to do?
Do SEAD air groups have any effect on the strategic map of the AG
Game won't load saves
Panzerfaust and Kpz-T55 balance issues
voice your opinions
School is the worst for posture
How can I change the armour stats in gunslinger mod? (Call of Pripyat)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Gameplay Help Desk (for the month of June 2021)
[Gunslinger] I made some tweaks to Gunslinger's broken burers
Nancy,Jane,etc has entered the chat
Autismo pizza (sorry for how the video is it would not let me change it)
I need this but for humans
A deer and bunny caught kissing in Oregon
The luckiest guy alive.
Enchantment table