I like my metal like I like my women: heavy, inaccessible, and with difficult and impenetrable studio production.
The fat podcast guys have Walkin #1 and #2 best song of the decade
Does any one know more albums or bands that sound like these 2?
Snot / The Union Underground
Got some Tyler bracelets
Ye just deleted EVERYTHING again😭
Who are the best metal drummers?
What do you guys think of meshuggah?
Bands you do not get the jerking off for?
WOLF is blue! Which song is purple?
Bands that essentially created their subgenre?
I'm 15 and this is my rig. Thoughts?
its my birthday and ye himself wished me a happy birthday
Congrats @ MFTM
Songs you think of when someone says "perfect song"?
What are some examples of metal-looking album covers by non-metal musicians?
More than curious to see what people think of me
6 albums that define Progressive Metal imo
what do u assume about me based off of my top 35 artists
Thoughts on The Prof.?
Want some hardcore combined with pop punk.
Favorite concert photos you’ve taken?
Which song hits you like this?
Thoughts on Vargrav?