Foods to eat when you don't wanna
"Failed Math Test", Zenon Holowaty, color pencil, 2024
In "The Terminator" (1984) a real missing child poster appears on a police station bulletin board. Kevin Collins went missing that year and was one of the first missing children in the U.S. to receive nationwide attention through milk cartons, billboards, and magazines. He is still missing.
Cool trick
LPT: Your time is extremely valuable and once spent cannot be recovered. DIYing everything isn't always the best option, paying someone else to do it may be worth it if you can do something else that allows you to make more money than the cost of that DIY project.
I mean it’s true
911 responders, what is a call that you will never forget?
AITA for celebrating my anniversary despite what happened at my wedding?
AITA for not wanting to go home for Christmas because mum wants me to take my medication?
AITA for painting over my son's art on the wall of the house because I don't like it?
The Arecibo Observatory has now completely collapsed and destroyed the dish underneath
Met this cutie at my local bird store. It took everything in me not to buy him.
When I'd tell my friends "my mom works at the hospital", the reply was always "oh is she a nurse?" I was in my 20s before someone said "oh is she a doctor?"
AITA for telling my SO they don’t understand pregnancy
What was something you thought would be easy, until you tried it?
AITA for not wanting to get rid of the anime body pillow that saved my marriage?
Her Abuse Was a ‘Family Matter,’ Until It Went Live | The grisly death of a farmer, whose attack was streamed online, has shocked China, with many asking why the legal system failed to protect her.
[Legend of Zelda] "My inner life": the infamous Zelda fanfic
Number 3, the master of fire
Indy (blue) was abused and alone for ~10 years before I got him. After 2 years of learning social skills, how to fly, and how to be a bird, he levelled up in August when I brought him a hot new wife, Matcha (green).
This is the Red Asian Arowana, the world's most expensive fish which can fetch prices up to $300k
Nick Wylde would be impressed
He is just a simply man in early age