How common is it to get turned down for jobs because of "experience"
Those who are work at VA outpatient clinic, how do you become faster when seeing a patient with a lot of comorbidities in 10 -15 minutes?
Dueling Sword nerf. How to do?
Its over ogrynheimer slabs....
Why am I being gaslit into feeling lazy
Questions about the new update
If you could go back in time and choose anywhere for residency, where would you choose to go? Would you pick your program again?
This administration is already affecting residency programs. FQHCs are going to have a very rough 4 years smh
ER follow up declined, inbox message wanting me to simply "review it"
Forget forgiveness- if SAVE goes away my payment triples. Is there a chance we can keep that monthly payment without forigvnesss
Apparently mnemonics are a contentious issue! Who knew!
I will look for you
Help me understand homebuying as an attending
Upper Midwest FM Residency Choice
Sucking up a part of the culture?
Whats your guilty retail therapy?
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
Have you ever been hard carried?
I figured out the secret to success in residency
No I can’t “just add” a testosterone level to your physical labs, unless you’re okay with getting a bill for it.
The hits keep coming
PSA: Push hard so you can have a chill MS4 year
Why not use 3 Toughness curios
quickplay complaint/rant