The average annual salary for a female professional soccer player globally is $10,900 , Says FIFA's annual report on the women's game, a figure skewed by a small number of top clubs
OSE Oriental Adventures - The Ninja
highest assist kill in the history
Is there a campaign where players face Borys the dragon?
Dark Sun Valley of Dust and Fire Maps scanned 300 DPI + hex map edits
How would you rank the original 2E Adventures/Module
Final Fantasy III name game
How do you pick a campaign setting?
Are you more frequently playing your games online or in-person these days?
Dark Sun OSE Revamped!
What type of Adventure/Campaign do you prefer in your Dark Sun Games?
How do you depict individual/encounter treasure found in your games?
A critique to the longevity of Dark Sun games, what is the longest your campaign in Athas should last?
Posted by a hardcore conservative on Facebook
Hola quisiera emprender con anillados. Pero no se de donde sacar los pdf que me piden para poder imprimirlos. Hay alguna página en particular ? Gracias
Anon tells of his encounter with Russian Women🇷🇺
Interviews Tsutomu Nihei and staff Animedia vol.3, 2014
OSE-Style Adventure Design
Appendix L#3: Fane of the Larulean is finally out!
Dark Sun Tables
Appendix L#3: Fane of the Larulean is finally out! A sandbox adventure based in Castle in the Sky and Zeal from Chrono Trigger!
Setting B2 in Dark Sun
For a Module I am working on, my first village map, what tips do you have to keep improving?