Iron Hammer are you Seriously?!
As a newer player I'm jealous of the people who got to learn Crypts and Hell on a static map. It's hard to learn the modules solo
Why are comments on YouTube shorts sensible and civilized, while Instagram reels are filled with vile and cheap comments?
da Vinci just rolled over in his grave. 💀
Found my first looted Gold Coin Chest at 1871 Hours
Hey Rage, We Need You Now More Than Ever.
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
Subtle Foreshadowing
No friendly encounters?
Dark and Darker Mobile Available in US and Canada
Soft Launch Expands to U.S.!
What game fits this description
What’s something that tastes so delicious you can’t believe it’s healthy?
What made you realize that you play too much DnD?
Just wanted to say "Hi" to all my fellow DaDers.
Unlucky pvp chads, but there will be zero combat. Time for tim tims to rise up.
New to HOH, looking for advice on best upgrades to town.
Poll from Ryan on the gear brackets with 1.5k votes.
Game-breaking exploit
New "new player" lobbies are not working properly, and are being abused by RMT and others to farm resources and transfer to their mains. A LOT of them are cheating as well.
Is this too much for the new Season?
Did your opinions or way of thinking change when you became an adult?
Ice Caves normals is chill af
Is it just me who likes the 0-124 change?
Not a fan of losing squire lobbies