Which Sonic game do you think is underrated?
What's the worst sonic level you played in any Sonic game?
What's the first pokemon game you had growing up?
What was your'e first Sonic game?
Pokémon Stadium N64 New Cover Art (that I made)
Who remember these bracelets?
Tom cotton a bitch
It’s fucking gone💔
So one day when I was browsing images of South Park on Google I came across this image
LA in 2025 rn
LA in 2025 in a nutshell
What are they watching? (Wrong answers only)
Being a kid in 2010 starter pack
That’s not Pikachu…😨
Ed A La King
Which colors did y'all had
here's an drawing I made
Drake's career rn:
Drake is so done 😭
nick in a nutshell in 2024...
nickelodeon in a nutshell in 2024...
R.I.P The Dragon Legend 🐲
which 90s Game console is the best?
R.I.P Dragon Legend 🐲