I decided to do a tier list of all the skins because I was bored! Thoughts?
I might have just peaked (~600 rating)
Is the Etalus Vs. Clairen matchup hopeless?
Clairen hate possibly?
Do you think they'll change Hodan charge mechanic?
Got my sister into the game
Happy .223 day to all of you
DAE feel less people are interested in going to church?
Always Moving - A Rivals of Aether 2 Orcane Combo Video ft. Sabre
Why Society Hates Intelligent People | Schopenhauer
should i even feel good about this
Best controller for wavedash OoS?
He couldn't get through Clairen's D-tilts
Recent Lox Changes feel surprisingly good!
I cannot fathom how the same developers who designed Kragg designed Etalus
Finally Hit Master! It's a bit longer than usual, but hope you enjoy this video of ranked clips from the climb.
Game 5
Can we change the music files like in R1?
fair go brr
Many people thought Marlon would win GX2, Stango wasn’t one of them
Whale on whale violence
Game Feel between Rivals 1 and 2 as a Rivals Newbie
Why dah fuh did they make Loxadont WORSE!?
We've talked about Hbox winning another major, but can we talk about Trifs run?