What would be y'all dream Transformers video game?
Which animanga moment had you going like this?
What are your thoughts on the Disney Channel/Marvel shows?
*Insert corny commercial rap for Laser Optimus Prime. What is the best toy from each show/movie toy line? Day three: beast wars.
Favorite toy that's just a brick?
What Character Made You Want To Rage Quit An Anime?
Gun to your head if you had to recite an entire anime OP’s lyrics perfectly with no mistakes which one would it be?
What game comes to mind?
1984 Soundwave superior. What is the best toy from each show/movie toy line? Day two: Generation 2.
Has there ever been a moment where Vader was genuinely confused or weirded out by something?
why is this guy a meme?
What do you think Amy's being pulled over for?
Ashs kindness
What is the best toy from each show/movie toy line? Day one: Generation 1
Starting to collect actual figures. Goodbye old figures.
Every time the main team get's a new member there's always that one guy that gives them a hard time and makes them feel unwelcome.
what's this guy's name? wrong answers only
My hero academia behind the scenes art by @juniperarts
Underrated Cartoons Contest: Round 10
So... how do her colored contacts work?
what do my top 9 favorite characters say about me.
what if the brothers were more like these two?
What's your oldest Transformers possession?
Beside Optimus, who is your favorite among the 13 original Primes?