Do y’all think this makes a sound point about the uselessness and wimpiness of the Dem Party or do you agree with the legion of ppl calling him a misogynist in the replies and quote tweets? Curious what this sub thinks
How much have you observed the recent rise of far right extremist ideologies among students in the classroom and what do you think is the most productive way to snuff it out?
Most common origin of immigrants in France.
It’s so fucking Joever
This issue was 70/30 a year ago. Legit feels like I’m watching the end of Reconstruction but for sexual liberation
I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home
Jaime fookin' Lannister
Why does this sub focus so much on "puriteen zoomer leftist" sex negativity when the ruling or rising far-right movements present a far greater threat?
Did you partake in the swag era?
Another 2008 level of Recession is coming soon
Grown this out probably the longest I’ve tried so far. Is this turning into a neckbeard?
Were the 1860s nostalgic in 1900 & 1910?
Apparently Hasan just got banned
Can't do it anymore.
The world is finally catching up how our neighbors are black only when they want to take advantage of the black experience
We’re never beating fascism man
How does one know when they've become a dangerous level of terminally online?
Why did Obama get so much grief over wearing his tan suit?
The last Byzantine–Sasanian (and, of course, Perso-Roman) rivalries that lasted at the end of the pre-Islamic era (602 to 628)
Why does the Persian empire have only 600 troops in 1100
Achitometl’s daughter meeting the Aztecs her father married her to (1323 AD, COLORIZED)
BoJangles Hates The Troops
What are the biggest 5 events from every decade?
Why isn't the 2010's accused of being bad (racist, sexist, homophobic etc.) the way the 2000s were?
What are your political expectations for the next 5 years?