Very simple question - How do you prevent oligopolies?
Socialists don't realize how boring a socialist utopia would be.
Inner Game: Does vulnerability spark or kill attraction?
What is something most people don't know can kill someone in a few seconds?
What Needs to Happen for You to Stop Hating the Rich and Blaming All Your Problems on Them?
Now that Musk is destroying America, how does that make capitalists feel?
I’m pretty uninformed but I have a feeling the USA is on a path to socialism one way or the other. I’d love to hear perspective!
To all customers and regulars: do you actually care if the baristas make connections and conversation with you, and does it influence your decision to return to the store (or other Starbucks stores)?
How can I learn to meditate? have tried a thousand times
Alot of advice about not chasing a woman is bs
[Capitalists] Would you accept this compromise?
anarcho-capitalism: an even greater oxymoron than libertarian capitalism
Hopefully Trump's tarrifs will completely annihilate the socialist shithole called Canada and force us to join USA.
The Power of Vulnerability – How to Get Women to Open Up to You
If you had the opportunity to win 1 trillion dollars. All you have to do is spend 1 billion dollars in 24 hours. What would you buy ?
Is refusing to answer questions attractive?
This sub has become so toxic and full of know it all know it nothings
What's a sign that someone in their 30s is a loser?
13688 100 Ave - Park Place 1
LETTER: SkyTrain expansion needed into South Surrey, White Rock - Peace Arch News
How do contemporary socialists reconcile with how practically all major socialist movements of the past 20th century ended in failure?
What's the best book on emotional intelligence that you've read?
I fell in love with a guy who doesn’t exist (no, not a fictional character)
Capitalists, how will you address the environmental crisis?
Does socialism poison people, morally speaking?