In the beginning vs now
Song making a supply run
I can’t wait for it
Summoning big bro
Left on major cliffhanger
Rain teacher be like
Top 5 fights in forgotten shore
Kai performance
Sunnys lineage
Sunny before vs now
Sunny is too great for one saint
How Sunny feels whenever he finds part of Weaver's lineage
Third sovereign
The difference between the siblings
How Sunny looked at Nightmare after dying thousands of times
Effie: Look Honey! His first transformation.
Theory that I found on TikTok
Bro always goes to war with her
Shadow slave volume titles V1-V8
how i imagine Sunny after becoming a divine titan
Outmatched yet still standing
Sunny wants a. Peaceful life
What's something that gave you chills?
Me rereading the novel for the 7th time