People who have put together a Soul Grinder, how did you base/set up your legs?
Starting a decent collection of Nurgle Daemons, what purchases should I make next?
Texas bill would legalize recreational marijuana
Vindicare Assassin giving me trouble- advice?
[H] $$ [W] HH Word Bearers Legion Tartaros Praetor [Loc] Dallas-Fort Worth TX
Nightlord chosen champion
Where can I find and buy these Chaos Lords?
Conversion Advice
Why take 5 Legionaries vs 10?
Where could I get a helmet like this?
Is the Nightbringer model good to work with? Is Finecast really as bad as people say?
Abominant and Biophagus with Abberants?
The saying’s dumb anyway
Does the type of alcohol really matter for cleaning?
You can only smoke 1 strain for the rest of your life, what will it be?
What are you most jealous of the opposite gender for?
Ooh look, it's the Weinermobile.
Hypocrites of the highest order!!!!
Matt,I don't think they had emojis back then.
What job or activity do you normally associate with jerks?
Game stuck at “syncing”
Was a cat fight until bitch pulled out a knife
Cap or nah?
Any Hannibal fans here?