What do you think?
220 Grit Advice
Warum muss alles elektrisch sein?
Ist das normale Polizeiarbeit und wie wird diese Misshandlung von Polizeihunden gerechtfertigt?
Ich habe in 7 Monaten 24kg mit einer "Abnehmspritze" abgenommen. AMA
Should I Chop the Vertical Branches?
The screws on my brand new InfinityBook are not new
Nature is healing!
Digital angle guides are sharpening angels
Fell down the stairs yesterday, chipped 2 bones and damaged a ligament. Doctor refused pain meds and the orthopedic surgeon doesn’t open until tomorrow. An indescribable amount of pain.
How to make these indent cuts in the middle of wood with handtools?
How did you know a woman was trying to trap you?
How flat is flat enough for sharpening?
New stone day! A F320 (J600) silicon carbide stone from MST Müller Schleiftechnik (and a Chosera 3000 for scale)
Would this cheap Amazon diamond plate be good for flattening?
Maybe she could pay rent with more working and less complaining
King 1000/6000 - bad first stone?
Two questions about the Shapton Korumaku 1000
Start-Stopp Gut oder Schlecht
Ohhhh the irony, and sweet sweet irony
No roots yet on this P. Afra after two months
Got a bear living under my house
Very strange tool that i founded in an abandoned house. I know that its a plane but I dont know why is that weird
wollte die Polizei mir Drogenkonsum vorwerfen?