Sell Rüdiger or not?
Your age and Division in UT
After 10 years, I'm done. [Rant]
Your Karma = Your Power Level, How Strong Are You?
Worst coach has been decided, one season wonder is next
So, how did y'all summons go?
3000 dragon stones for both gogeta and broly banners and got 0 copies for both
What Kendrick song made you fall in love with his music
What is your favorite DBS movie so far?
Does Orihime annoy the fucking shit out of anyone else?
AFCON 2024
There Are Only 2 Real Possibilities as to Who Arrived at the Egghead Island
Is this a problem i only have ?
show me your dokkan profile and i’ll tell you how you smell
My game is buged. Fighting piccolo as Bardock!!
Game keeps crashing (ps4)
Dutch PM Getting Owned
SSJ3 Goku gets his 55th ticket
Anyone having connection issues with BFV today?