Does anyone else have the constant urge to reup? always worrying about products selling out, shipping, not having enough, etc.
Is it even worth it to do daily because it only lasts an hour once you have tolerance...
My two grams and some tablets are probably on that plane... One time I spend all my Kratom money on overnight shipping it gets stuck in Louisville KY. Anyone else in the same boat? Genuinely don't know what to do I am officially OUT.
oxy taper vs suboxone taper?
Firtst time online ordering - Kratom Distro question!
getting oxy script soon...when should i stop 7oh?
First order - what to expect?
Does THC boost or kill your 7oh high?
FedEx as Shipping option?
what's better? one dose of 15mg or two doses of 7.5mg spaced out a couple hours?
Will I WD from 14mg daily?
how long can you wait?
growing healthcare clinics .... advice needed.
7oh heaven GIVEAWAY!
7tabz frustration.
what happens if it doesnt deliver?
Shipping problem
What haveth we?
W or L Cart review
maui labs face melters snowballs thca flower 3.5g
my order taking mad long to process, anyone else?
D8resellers vs d8superstore, who knows which is better for products, price and shipping or just in general?
“Problems with Processing”