If only someone would have put some points into dex or strength
The same discussion every session
They told me playing an atheist in D&D is impossible!
Roll20 all the way
I am totally another cobalt no I was not nibbling your wires
comic dub
[OC] Remember why we are fighting them
While humanity tends to be reasonable when dealing with enemies or out of line union members...their back up plans tend to be disturbing
This guy cooked and served a pizza on top of an active volcano
Angel's Venture broke before the Helldivers did. See you on the other side. M1, signing off.
My tribute to our bravest
Meridia log 01
Finally got my super RGBs installed into my super destroyer just in time for the super rave with the super helldivers
Tina's guide to alien species - The Annaander
Beware, the human "expert" has arrived.
Human made monsters are like pets, maybe bad but they are good company.
"When in doubt, frag it out" - Human Infantryman, 3079
Human explains to other aliens how they got their standard issue rifle.
They have increased size of Sickle again!
Capsized Ship Hideout [50x35]
Anyone feel like they're being watched in the super destroyer?
Humans really do not look like Deathworlders when next to other deathworlders.
We are now receiving live footage from the newly opened Illuminate front...
The things I get away with on this game never cease to amaze me. Lady Liberty was with me on this day.