Est-ce que ma plante va bien?
Rentrée annuelle des succulentes avec le gel qui arrive
Mutation Saint-Herblain
1 month old tylecodon singularis shooting their first true leaf
Winter growers moved to the sunniest spot of the balcony
Question sur les douanes FR au retour du Japon
Quelles ampoules pour des boutures sur une étagère ?
How to know when to harvest tylecodon seeds? This Nolteei has started to put out leaves but the seed pods are still green
6 months old pelargonium caroli-henrici seedlings repotting
Seedlings going inside as temperatures are dropping
Sunstressing seedlings
Some seedlings sown in early August
Pastel colours on this graptosedum ghosty variegata
Repotting 6 months old pelargonium nephrophyllum seedlings
On m’a offert ce cactus… comment s’en occuper ?
Good germination rate for Namaquanum seedlings 3/5
Aeoniums have started their growth period with the recent temperature drops
Les aeoniums reprennent leur croissance avec les températures qui sont vite tombées
Arachnoidea var nigricans 'kuromisa' 6 months old seedlings already showing some nice hairy leaves
Pastel colours on this Aeonium 'green tea'
First tylecodon singularis seedlings putting out their leaves. Glad they survived the first dormancy.
Can anyone guess the species?
Les températures négatives arrivent demain donc il était temps de rentrer toutes les succulentes !
Aeonium voodoo variegated resuming its growing with milder temperatures