Heavy Tilian music incoming
What am I doing wrong? Shit is so annoying
Advanced game designers! How would you design a system such that every bug is caught, even if its unfixable/inefficient/ugly?
Why won't my 3d printer print when the prints have supports?
Trying to get a s rank with vex is truly a pain in the ass, like how is this a -A ?
Games with bookish and/or witchy vibes
Filatruck - Alternative to 3D benchy.
Shower thought that came from seeing yet another complaint about "yet another Stardew-like"
Where and why did the concept of "not having children makes you selfish" even came from, when it's low-key the other way around. especially in the today's society.
looking for cozy games to play while multitasking
What music section of the DGD discography you would say "this is Dance Gavin Dance"?
What was your experience with these games?
When 3D Printing Teaches You Lessons the Hard Way
I’m officially lost
Simultaneous Deck & PC play should be a thing. Where to give Valve feedback about Steamdeck?
Button cell batteries can go to hell
In your opinion, which eggman It's better.
Comment the last game you played, but add "& Knuckles" to the end of it
How do I know which ending I got?
i just realized tainted hopper are actually two hoppers stitched in one and not a hopper wearing a cool looking sunglasses with a fucked up shaped head
Am I getting carried in quickplay? Why is it so much easier than ranked.
Sonic Labyrinth is voted the worst Sonic game, now what is the most underrated?
Do I need to print support for this?
Speech development of 2,5 year old
When your ship barely beats the game, and you hear a commotion behind the victory screen