How to prevent static while grinding? [niche zero]
I made a nicer looking version of my 3D printable espresso puck caddy thing that hooks onto your machine.
Picked up this Baratza Encore from goodwill bins for $2. Any advice for cleaning?
What do you value the most when buying coffee beans?
Have some faith... you are improving.
Quiet Grinders ($700 or less)
Best [30$] 54mm ims basket.
Casualty of the U.S. 25% tariff being-implemented on goods from Canada
Happy Saturday Everyone.
I’m getting so much anxiety over pulling the trigger on a grinder… [$600 or less && I’m ok with used stuff]
Is there a really small pitcher that works the Bambino Plus’ auto milk frother?
Why are there no machines that stop the shots automatically?
Struggling with Sour Shots – Is It Just the Beans? [Breville Bambino]
Lagom Casa 65CL review & Niche Zero comparison
I picked up a Baratza Encore ESP for $12!
Is my IMS basket too big? (Breville Barista Express)
Allergy from my new DF54 grinder
Double walled cups - do they work as advertised
Help identifying reasonably-priced Portland/Greater Northwest U.S. beans roaster with free shipping
Espressocoffeeshop still operating?
Coffee station :)
Ad I just saw on my feed
So few home machines with volumetric control
Wife doesn’t understand why I need a mirror.
18g in, 28g out [Breville Bambino]