Which regiments do and don’t use parade or battle dresses?
"stupid game anyway..." ahh fuwatti
fezezen is getting worst!!1!1!1!
Lowtiergod bursts into tears after realizing coryxkenshin isn't his friend.
Favorite character you just want to cuddle
1st rifle regiment
I was checking featured suggestions and found that (art isn't mine)
i don’t know Fezezen
Deva are cooking with the cuirassiers rn
This damn cuirassier survived a point-blank shot from a nock gun!
Artillery Bots
What are these faces?
so the Swedish fish says arvid is more handsome than Nikolai? WELL LOOK HOW HANDSOME NIK IS TOO
United States of America haven't participated in Napoleonic Wars
underrated mechanic
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Wtf is this 😭
Why do people hate on sticky so much?
Here’s a challenge for you:
Is How for much in Cory is of do the video scary video online?? (perchance)
Are we serious tze.
Highway to penis
What do you think it's the hardest badge in G&B?
Whats your name