M/20/5'9 [132lbs > 120lbs = 12lbs] (2 weeks) OMAD results for fat burning in my case
Losing thigh muscles - just to confirm
I flipflop between liking and not liking it. It's my dad's nose but it's strong. Though plastic surgery seems a bit extreme. So I'm going for acceptance for now 😄
How to slim leg muscles?
F/39/5’7[304lbs>125lbs=179lbs](3 years) Weight loss journey
Orbital bone showing. How to fix?
Is it normal to not meet the doctor during consultations?
Had a rhino a month ago but I feel like looks way too fake. Thoughts?
Breakfast for dinner, rate this fry up
What type of lip augmentation would be the best?
My north face 700 doesn’t have a hidden hood I thought they did, is it fake?
How would you rate this Adriana Lima lookalike?